Friday, October 7, 2011

The Truth- FREE Aids / Hiv Awareness Workshop

 D.e.v.a invites all young women and men to come discuss, join in, have YOUR say and get informed....
 Saturday November 26 
3pm -6pm
Cris Gibson Community Centre
(Queen and McLaughlin)

To reserve your seats, please email

If you would like a copy of the flyer to distribute, please email me. The flyer would not upload on this site.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Unique Day

Hey ladies, we are back with a fantastic and exciting day for you.

Unique Day
for young women and their families

Don't miss this event.

Saturday August 13 2011
Central Park School and Recreation and Arts Centre
34 Alexander Street (Queen and Main)

This will be a day filled with activities and fun.
Whether it is a manicure, pedicure or mini facial you need, come out and have a good time.

The theme for the day is:
"Girls Jus Wanna Hav Fun"

We can't wait to see you there.

Early Bird Tickets: $10
Dorr Tickets $15

So hurry up and reserve your spot!!!!!!
Email us today

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trust In God!

What a day...what a day....

Without doubt, Colleen, Natasha and i all knew that God would see us through another workshop. There were moments where i doubted a bit. I don't know why....maybe it is the way I'm accustomed to thinking when I'm planning an event. It is the NORM for me. However, i should know better when it comes to UNIQUE. This is a program that has DEF be ordained by God in our lives.

From the very start there has been nothing we have prayed for and have not seen. All we want as a group is to deliver love and compassion to Gods children. When the three of us get together, we don't even put much effort into planning our programs. It just flows. Hhmmm sound familiar. Remember once i said, "When God in in the midst of something, it will just flow."

This past Saturday, The Healthy Me Workshop was a great success. Many girls lives were touched and inspired. But above all, Natasha, Colleen and i were truly moved. We had such an amazing time interacting and even dancing with the girls. We laughed, conversed, ate and were truly in UNITY!
We had cute treat bags filled with treats that would leave the girls remembering the day. Like water bottles with our logos, stress balls, watches, health bars etc.
Rogers TV was there to capture the entire day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

How Healthy Are You?

I found this article on a site and LOVE it. If you would like more information please go to
 Teen Issues

There's often so much going on in an average day that it's hard to take a break to think, so it's easy for a few bad habits to slip into everyone's daily routines. I can speak for myself.

I'm sure you are aware of what bad habits turn into; an unhealthy lifestyle. The answer to this will be different for each teen/young woman, but there are some standard areas in which all teens can develop healthy lifestyles.

Sleep, diet, exercise, dental hygiene, emotional health, sexual health, alcohol and drugs are just a few of the issues that teens must contend with, and focus on in order to develop their own healthy lifestyles.

1. Do you sleep for about eight hours per night?
2. Do you go to sleep easily and sleep through the night?
3. Do you eat at least five fruits and vegetables each day?
4. Do you limit the amount of sugar and salt in your diet?
5. Do you stay away from cigarettes and other tobacco products?
6. Do you avoid alcohol and drugs?
7. Do you get at least thirty minutes of exercise or activity each day?
8. Do you brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day?
9. Do you see a dentist and GP regularly if you feel something is wrong?
10. Do you usually feel that you can manage all of the tasks required of you in a given day?
11. Do you have family and friends ready to help and support you if needed?

Determine how healthy you are by answering these questions and than log onto Your Answers

Good Luck!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Healthy Me Workshop

Girls please join us for our upcoming workshop
Healthy Me

Saturday April 30
at Snelgrove Community Centre

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are You Healthy?

What exactly does it mean to be healthy?

I'm sure if we were truly looking for answers, there would not be many. Why? Because the truth is we may know what it means but do we really know?

We do not want to criticize your lifestyle, because we all have our own faults and at the end of the day, it is YOUR choice. What we UNIQUE ladies could say is "If we could turn back the hands of time and be a teenager again, we would make different health choices"

Ladies, educate yourselves on the products you are consuming. What is really in the McDonald's burgers? How about chips? Did you know that chips are fried in oil and are made out of fat? All the foods we love so much are filled with salts, sugars and fat, which need a great deal of energy to burn up in your body. When it is not used up, the excess calories converts into FAT that FILL OUT your body. Get it?

We are asking you young ladies to please start thinking about your future and about making positive health changes.

Be the BEST you can be for YOU.

Please join us Saturday April 30 at Snelgrove Community Centre for
 The Healthy Me Workshop
10:30am - 3:00pm

For more information please email us at or call 416-832-3909

Monday, March 7, 2011

Healthy ME!

Saturday April 30
Snelgrove Community Centre

Come out and learn how to deal with common problems such as stress, anger, depression, friendships, and more. We will also be discussing eating disorders, sports nutrition, vitamins and minerals, healthy eating, and fun ways to stay in shape.

What fun would it be if we did not discuss our favourite topic FASHION and IMAGE!

Reserve your seat today. Whether you are 35 or 15, this workshop will be informative for any "girl or woman" who wants to be healthy inside and out.
Tickets are $20 and will followed by a 6 week Group Session once a week. Every Saturday.

You don't want to miss this workshop.

See you there.

Monday, February 14, 2011

To Be Unique!

Ask yourself, "What is possible?" and not, "what is somebody else doing?"

Being different for different’s sake is not enough. There must be real passion in YOU and it should be true to YOU. Make a difference, do what you love to do, keep going and learn how to be "OK" with the way you look, think and feel. If there are things that you are not happy about, spend time fixing it. Meaning, if you do not like the course you are taking in school or you are not sure what you want to study when you graduate high the research. Do not make the mistake of choosing something because your best friend will be in the same class. You will not do well. Train yourself to make "wise" decisions. Train yourself to be a leader.

The secret of winning in life lies in seeing life differently – in its different tests and outcomes. "Life" becomes a path that leads to achievements and goals. Winners do not value life according to how much they can do with it. For them life is not a tedious journey from the womb to the tomb. It is a journey about crossing milestones and looking forward to new ones. We must be winners but we must think wisely. The greatest Book of all times The Bible speaks so clearly about "women of wisdom" (Proverbs) We are given all the tools we need for FREE!
Let's tap into this more....

As a UNIQUE women, Creativity is our key to the future.

Here are a few tips ladies:

Do things for the right purpose. In other words, try to find things you really enjoy,like a hobby/sport, and participate in them. You tend to meet people that are more in tune with you, when you are going places you love to go, and doing things you love to do.

Dress for yourself. Avoid trying to dress to please others, it may attract certain people into your life, but not ones that really resonates with you; they'll be seeing an entirely different you, and it prevents any real connection.

Don't think that being alone means that you are lonely. If you feel like being on your own, don't think of yourself as weird or a loner. When you are in a situation that leaves you alone without it being your choice, try not to think about what you could be doing with others, and what they are doing; this only leads to dissatisfaction. Do something that needs quiet, while there are no distractions around. Enjoy the freedom of being able to do things without eyes watching.

Labels don't mean ANYTHING. Buy stuff because you like it, want it look good in it, and most important of all,because you NEED IT!!! If you want to be unique, avoid buying something just for the label because that's what everyone else is doing

Be aware of your own emotions. Try not to be influenced by other people's emotions. Spending too much time thinking about other people's thoughts can lead you away from your own.

Know Your Opinions, while being open to suggestion. Don't say something for the sake of saying it. Take a moment after a conversation is struck up to think about what you know and what resonates with you, then begin talking. Try to listen to what other people are saying without being sucked in, and without immediately casting aside their ideas.

These are just "suggestions"
If they become useful...thank me later :-)))

Happy "Love" day everyone.
Make everyday a day to show those you love, that you appreciate them. So many people around the world wait for "today" to tell loved ones "I love you" and then for the rest of the year, NADA! What's the point? :-)))

Love, The Unique Ladies

Friday, February 4, 2011

What a Day!

So last week was our very first group session with our young ladies from the Unique "Impressions Influenced by Image" workshop November 27.

There are no words to describe how these young girls left us feeling. The innocent look in their eyes while their trying to see how much they can trust us and if they can truly open up without anyone in the room judging them. The smile on their faces when they were impressed with what they shared. The tone in their voices when they were a bit shy about sharing....and how relaxed we all became by the end of the FIRST session.

The Unique ladies feel so fortunate to be leaders of the this Program. We know where God is taking Unique and we hope that you are right beside us on the journey. From day one, we have never forced anything and always make sure we pray before we make decisions. There is nothing that we leave the table with that we are unsure of. We are all real women of God and desire to do His work all the days of our lives.

Every day we awake to the thought of how fortunate and blessed we are. We desire to be the best we can and know that with these young women in our lives, we will get there :-))))

We love you all and thank you for believing in us.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Unique Group Sessions January 29

We have ONE spot left for a young lady to join us this coming Saturday January us to book your spot.

Also we have a Unique workshop coming up this March so if you missed the last one, call now to book for the next one. You don't want to miss this.

The 3 Unique Ladies; Colleen, Tasha, and Elizabeth are so excited as there is just over two weeks left for our very first group session

January 29 2011 at 11am

If you have not yet registered for this group, please do so now at
or call 416-832-3909

The sessions will cover:

Understanding All of Me

I am Worth It

Living Drama Free

Recognizing All My Giftings

Celebrating The Big and The Small

Appreciating The D.e.v.a In Me!

Workshops, seminars and groups are being held throughout the Peel Region. However, this particular group session will be held at Malton Church of God.

To have a Unique workshop held at your church, school or community event please email us at