Monday, February 14, 2011

To Be Unique!

Ask yourself, "What is possible?" and not, "what is somebody else doing?"

Being different for different’s sake is not enough. There must be real passion in YOU and it should be true to YOU. Make a difference, do what you love to do, keep going and learn how to be "OK" with the way you look, think and feel. If there are things that you are not happy about, spend time fixing it. Meaning, if you do not like the course you are taking in school or you are not sure what you want to study when you graduate high the research. Do not make the mistake of choosing something because your best friend will be in the same class. You will not do well. Train yourself to make "wise" decisions. Train yourself to be a leader.

The secret of winning in life lies in seeing life differently – in its different tests and outcomes. "Life" becomes a path that leads to achievements and goals. Winners do not value life according to how much they can do with it. For them life is not a tedious journey from the womb to the tomb. It is a journey about crossing milestones and looking forward to new ones. We must be winners but we must think wisely. The greatest Book of all times The Bible speaks so clearly about "women of wisdom" (Proverbs) We are given all the tools we need for FREE!
Let's tap into this more....

As a UNIQUE women, Creativity is our key to the future.

Here are a few tips ladies:

Do things for the right purpose. In other words, try to find things you really enjoy,like a hobby/sport, and participate in them. You tend to meet people that are more in tune with you, when you are going places you love to go, and doing things you love to do.

Dress for yourself. Avoid trying to dress to please others, it may attract certain people into your life, but not ones that really resonates with you; they'll be seeing an entirely different you, and it prevents any real connection.

Don't think that being alone means that you are lonely. If you feel like being on your own, don't think of yourself as weird or a loner. When you are in a situation that leaves you alone without it being your choice, try not to think about what you could be doing with others, and what they are doing; this only leads to dissatisfaction. Do something that needs quiet, while there are no distractions around. Enjoy the freedom of being able to do things without eyes watching.

Labels don't mean ANYTHING. Buy stuff because you like it, want it look good in it, and most important of all,because you NEED IT!!! If you want to be unique, avoid buying something just for the label because that's what everyone else is doing

Be aware of your own emotions. Try not to be influenced by other people's emotions. Spending too much time thinking about other people's thoughts can lead you away from your own.

Know Your Opinions, while being open to suggestion. Don't say something for the sake of saying it. Take a moment after a conversation is struck up to think about what you know and what resonates with you, then begin talking. Try to listen to what other people are saying without being sucked in, and without immediately casting aside their ideas.

These are just "suggestions"
If they become useful...thank me later :-)))

Happy "Love" day everyone.
Make everyday a day to show those you love, that you appreciate them. So many people around the world wait for "today" to tell loved ones "I love you" and then for the rest of the year, NADA! What's the point? :-)))

Love, The Unique Ladies

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