Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Healthy Me Workshop

Girls please join us for our upcoming workshop
Healthy Me

Saturday April 30
at Snelgrove Community Centre

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are You Healthy?

What exactly does it mean to be healthy?

I'm sure if we were truly looking for answers, there would not be many. Why? Because the truth is we may know what it means but do we really know?

We do not want to criticize your lifestyle, because we all have our own faults and at the end of the day, it is YOUR choice. What we UNIQUE ladies could say is "If we could turn back the hands of time and be a teenager again, we would make different health choices"

Ladies, educate yourselves on the products you are consuming. What is really in the McDonald's burgers? How about chips? Did you know that chips are fried in oil and are made out of fat? All the foods we love so much are filled with salts, sugars and fat, which need a great deal of energy to burn up in your body. When it is not used up, the excess calories converts into FAT that FILL OUT your body. Get it?

We are asking you young ladies to please start thinking about your future and about making positive health changes.

Be the BEST you can be for YOU.

Please join us Saturday April 30 at Snelgrove Community Centre for
 The Healthy Me Workshop
10:30am - 3:00pm

For more information please email us at info.bunique@gmail.com or call 416-832-3909

Monday, March 7, 2011

Healthy ME!

Saturday April 30
Snelgrove Community Centre

Come out and learn how to deal with common problems such as stress, anger, depression, friendships, and more. We will also be discussing eating disorders, sports nutrition, vitamins and minerals, healthy eating, and fun ways to stay in shape.

What fun would it be if we did not discuss our favourite topic FASHION and IMAGE!

Reserve your seat today. Whether you are 35 or 15, this workshop will be informative for any "girl or woman" who wants to be healthy inside and out.
Tickets are $20 and will followed by a 6 week Group Session once a week. Every Saturday.

You don't want to miss this workshop.

See you there.